Engaging with Customers on Social Platforms
Eversince the greater penetration of internet happened across the world, maintaining online reputation has become a primary necessity for any kind of organization.People search about every entity that they come across in search engines and the results obtained greatly influences their perception,decisions,and belief systems. Social media also plays vital role in defining identities and they also affect search engine ranking greatly. Positive and negative reviews massively impact the business growth of organizations either way. Let us look at certain measures that can be taken to create and maintain our online reputation.
Maintaining online identities
For any organization, presence of a well maintained website immensely helps in preserving onine identity, by mentioning the word ‘well maintained’ we mean regularly updated content with curated text and images.It should also contain the links to Social Media pages and other applicable external news references. The social media pages should be updated regularly with latest developments in the organization. This kind of online presence helps in maintaining proper ranking with search engines and helps the viewer to generate a generic opinion about the entity.
Increasing Positive Reviews
Ratings and reviews play crucial role nowadays among people and it should be a concerted activity to increase positive reviews in google pages, social media and other channels. So happy customers should be encouraged to leave their rating and review in appropriate channels. Also informational posts from bloggers, authors and influencers should be welcomed because those posts generate positive impression among the people.
Spreading news about One entity
For larger organizations there will always be relevant news regarding the growth, business, acquistition, revenue, forecast and market projections. They have to be made available in website, social media, news portals and micro blogging websites. This will create wealth of information regarding the entity and whevener users search using search engines they would have huge choice of information to evaluate the organization.
Handling Negative Publicity
Naturally there will be negative reviews,comments,news and false propaganda against any organization due to various factors. It has become easier to spread malicious information quickly through online because of the numerous channels and forums available.
Now comes the question of handling such reviews and reducing the impact of negativity,
It would be wiser to answer the negative reviews with proper explanation and information and also take remedial steps if necessary. Also positive reviews and the presence of latest updates and news online about the entity help in neutralizing the impact to greater extent.
Reputation has always been a factor that takes lot of time to get built, so there should be genuine spending of effort on the activity to create and preserve it online. Following the above discussed measures over a period of time will reap definite results in long run.